Rockwood Electric Utility Selects Sunrise Energy Ventures for Solar Project
Rockwood Electric Utility (REU) contracted with Seven States Power Corporation to issue a “Request for Proposals for Renewable Generation Power Purchase Agreement up to 4.6 MWac” (the “RFP”). The RFP was issued on June 29, 2021. On June 16, 2022 REU issued a Notice of Award to select Sunrise Energy Ventures, LLC to move forward with the Iron Solar project.
The project is in REU’s service territory and is expected to start construction in 2023. The project will be 4.5 MWac in size and generate enough electricity to offset the carbon footprint of over 1,300 homes. REU is taking advantage of the Power Supply Flexibility it has with TVA as part of its Long-Term Agreement. This option allows Rockwood Electric to acquire up to 5% of their average annual energy utilization from solar-based or other power generating resources located within REU’s service territory and of a type that is consistent with TVA’s Integrated Resource Plan.
“We are excited about the opportunity to use this energy resource type and the flexibility volume. We selected Sunrise because their proposal offered a solution which was a great fit due to its location and has the potential to offer maximum value to the utility and our rate payers.” said Kendall Bear, REU’s General Manager.
Sunrise began developing solar in TVA’s service territory in 2010, with more than 5 developed facilities that remain operational across the Valley.
“Sunrise is absolutely thrilled to be awarded another project that will participate in the flexibility program in the valley. Each project builds awareness and confidence with the Local Power Companies (LPC) that this program is accessible and provides affordable and reliable energy to utilities across the valley.” said Dean Leischow, Sunrise CEO.
REU has over 15,000 customers, including over 11,800 residential customers. REU maintains over 700 miles of single- and three-phase overhead and underground distribution lines.
Sunrise is a seasoned, family owned, solar provider, with strong experience in both municipal and cooperative renewables. Operating in multiple states, they are 100% family owned, with no public listing, or foreign investors. Instead they work locally to deliver solutions at the community level, and partner with best in class technology and finance providers to deliver long term value. Sunrise is a member of TenneSEIA, TVPPA, and TMEPA, and installed their first systems in the TVA region in 2010.