Residential Community Solar

Many homeowners would like a way to use solar energy in their home, though they may not have adequate roofs or land to install their own panels. Community solar projects provide residents with the opportunity to maximize their use of renewable energy without the costs and maintenance required to manage it themselves.

The Hidden Value of Community Solar

Community solar gardens allow residents to receive all of the benefits of solar without the many out-of-pocket expenses typically associated with privately installed solar energy.


Learn more about how your home can benefit from participating in a community solar garden.

    Greenhouse Gas Reductions Are Equivalent To:

    Generated By
    Completed Projects
    Coal BurnedAnnually
    Miles Driven By
    Avg Vehicle Annually

    Solar Benefits Without Equipment

    Renewable solar energy offers residential homeowners with an opportunity to reduce their overall energy costs while helping the environment. Many families choose to participate in solar energy to be a good role model for their friends, families, neighbors, and future generations.

    With the majority of the US population having an interest in using solar energy, many are deterred by the perception that they must install large solar panels on their property. In reality, Sunrise Energy Ventures community solar garden projects enable residents to take full advantage of renewable solar energy without installing any equipment on their property.

    Value to Your Home

    Using solar energy to power your home offers a mix of benefits for the community, the environment, and you, the homeowner. The potential short-term cost savings of solar gardens provides long-term stability of your energy prices as fossil fuel prices fluctuate.

    Using community solar enables homeowners to get all the benefits of renewable solar energy without the costs and headaches associated with installing, owning and maintaining solar equipment. You are able to benefit from energy cost savings potential and the pride of going green without the challenges of managing the energy yourself. Community solar projects also offer residents an opportunity to participate in solar at affordable costs.

    Joining Our Community Solar Gardens

    We invite homeowners to participate in our community solar gardens around the country. Sunrise Energy Ventures develops our own projects and provides an experience for our customers that is specifically designed for residential subscribers. We are meticulous in our approach: conducting thorough research, analysis and execution. Our network of skilled engineers, surveyors, title companies, and attorneys exhaustively vets the details of our projects so our stakeholders know that what we promise, we will deliver. Communities can rely on us – every step of the way — to provide superior quality product.

    We know the importance clean energy has for our communities, and we appreciate that there may be questions about how solar installations might impact your neighborhood. We are steadfast in our commitment to engage, share information, liaison with planning and zoning boards, and make sure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

    Getting Started with Solar


    We connect you with one of our solar energy experts to discuss your energy needs and evaluate the best solar program for you.


    We walk you through the subscription agreement to give you a clear understanding of the benefits and your obligations.


    Our experts match you with an appropriate solar project based on geographic location and availability of openings.

    Power Bill

    After being connected with your project, you will start to see the benefits of your solar participation on your energy bills.