Solar power offers no shortage of benefits for home and business owners, as well as for communities. Many of these benefits are still coming to light through recent research. Read on to learn some fascinating facts about solar energy.
It is renewable
Solar power is powered by sunlight. It is a constant source of renewable energy, which decreases the chance that it fails and strengthens its sustainability.
According to Dean Leischow, Founder and CEO of Sunrise Energy Ventures: “The energy created by PV systems is completely sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels or renewables that are burned to produce power, solar energy does not consume physical materials. By substituting supplementary energy sources, it diminishes harmful effects on the environment.”
It emits nothing dangerous
Other forms of energy – such as fossil fuels – are not always “healthy” for the environment. They release greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide into the air, which can pollute the atmosphere. Solar power leaves no carbon footprint.
It is silent
Unlike many devices that generate electricity or heat, solar energy panels are relatively silent.
Monthly payoff
After the initial purchasing costs, homeowners, business owners, and communities can reduce energy costs by installing solar panels.
Create your own power
Did you know that Solar panels can create an excess amount of power that can be sold? Electrical companies are often willing to provide bill credits for this excess power. It is all achieved through spinning the electric meter backwards.
Government rebates
The government will give you a rebate for investing in renewable energy. This ends up amounting to roughly 20 to 30 percent of the cost for your system.
Yearly growth
As awareness for poor environmental practices are becoming more prevalent, the number of communities using solar panel systems increases each year.
Many price points
Depending on how elaborate you want your hook-up to be, there are many different types of systems to choose from. These systems vary in price and offer flexibility for those wishing to invest in solar energy.
Low Maintenance
Because there are very little moving parts, there is little to no maintenance needed with solar panel systems. These devices keep can last for years.
Sunrise Energy Ventures is a solar energy development organization bringing superior solar energy installations to communities across the United States. If you would like to learn more about our service, contact us online or by phone at 612-293-9900.